As we hit the black top in our drop top, I enjoyed the wind racing through my hair, snapping photos of the barren desert mountains exploding with beautiful bright burnt reds, oranges, and browns that paint this rustic feel across the terrain. With out a care in the world and with a great friend who listened to all my what seems like youthful boy nonsense drama, it was a great little road trip to help me appreciate the unbelievable things in life that people once thought was impossible- The Hoover Dam.
I remember driving over the Arizona State line and just staring out and looking at this massive man made fortress and really appreciating that someone with this idea believed in themselves enough to build such an amazing piece of architecture and now historical American attraction.
It was a such beautiful day. The Sun sat high in the sky, gently kissing my skin, and leaving it a golden color that glistened just like the naturally bronzed surroundings.

I've always had much appreciation for architecture, and have been somewhat fascinated with it. This was just so amazing, as I stared off into the distance, I was marveled at what was protected by this giant structure. I thought about things in my life that I had built a wall to protect. I also remembered the things I couldn't change and noted the things that I could. To walk along the bridge reflecting on things and just enjoy being alive knowing that I checked something off my buck-list was a satisfying feeling. I was utterly content with my life that day. The travel back to the city was so much fun. It was somewhat of a scavenger hunt for all things desert. One thing I definitely was on the hunt for was a cactus! YES! a Cactus, I know it seems silly but until this point in my life, as I recall, I had never seen one before.

I scanned the land as we drove into Boulder City and I was disappointed that there were none in sight. Then all of a sudden, in the front of a bank stood this large cactus. I was overly excited. I almost jumped out of the car! It was symbol of strength. I photographed with the one of the strongest plants to live. Somehow in the barren desert this magnificent plant fights for its survival eventually adapting and overcoming the unfavorable circumstances for growth. In my own similarities, I too was fighting and overcoming my surroundings that were holding me back from, not from physical growth, but mental, spiritual, and emotional growth.

The next thing we stumbled upon was a beautiful garden. It was a very unique garden, full of wonderful colors and flowers that would forever be in bloom. It was a garden that would never die in the desert. I was amazed at the beauty and art that surrounded me as I walked along a small path through flowers that stood as tall as me. I wish that I could have brought one home.

Our next scavenger find was a historic train station. Although the museum was closed we still stopped for a small photo op, and a little history lesson. The Nevada Southern Railroad museum is located on the tracks that were installed to support the construction of the Hoover Dam. It was pretty neat to see the locomotives on display and to read the history of this small city that lead to the success of the Hoover Dam. At the end of the day, as dark approached, we could see the city of neon lights up ahead.

When I got back to my room, I was quick to upload all my pictures from the days events. It had turned out to be a great day for my inner self, relaxing yet adventurous. The night promised to be just as adventurous when I met up with local friends for cocktails. We had a pretty good sized group going out that night with us. I didn't know some of them, but we became friends. It was a long night but the girls and I had a great time!!

The next day was just as long....LOL we definitely paid for our partying the night before. I dont think Megan and I got out of bed until 3 or 4. We just laid there misserable and laughing at the funny things that we saw and did going from bar to bar the night before. For instance....not getting in til 6 am turning on the hot tub to soak our feet because of all the walking we were doing in our 4 inch heels!

We grubbed down on some room service later that day when our bodies were feeling up to digesting food. It was still a little difficult to get it down. After finally getting up and eating, it was time for a Mani & Pedi to prep for the next few days in LA. I definitely needed it after the night before, my feet enjoyed the attention. I got back, ate again, and began packing for my flight to LA. Next stop was LaLa Land....I was pretty excited to see Rachel and Michelle. That was truely the only reason I was going. I wanted to my girls trip to continue. This vacation was something that was most needed at this time.