Well as my weekend came to a close, so did my job. I was no longer happy with it, and I was ready to leave. It was hard to say goodbye to everyone in my office but I was focused on other things and just couldn't seem to keep my mind focused somewhere that it didn't want to be. I went the whole month of June booking modeling stuff and preparing for my month on the road in July.

My last weekend before I left was Independence Day. The night before we went to a party to hang out with some of Trae's friends. It was so much fun, my favorite part of that night was singing to 80's music. LOL Trae really gets in to that. I love just goofing off and letting loose with him. He melts my heart. The next day we went to the lake. I was super excited because this time we could bring Bentley. He was so cute with his little life jacket on.

The poor thing didn't know what to expect. He was terrified of the water. So he mostly chilled on the boat. We didn't get to see any fireworks that 4th of July because it rained. Which ended up being OK, since we were all so exhausted from the lake. The next 20 days in 3 different cities were gonna be so busy for me. I started in Atlanta working for Americasmart Gift & Home Furnishings Market for 10 days. It was fun to visit and stay with my friend/ model Ashley. She is always so fun to hangout with. We mostly stayed in with a glass of wine, shared recipes and cooked some yummy dinners while I was there. She also took me out one night to go with some friends of hers.

It was the only night I could actually get out, because I worked so early everyday I was down there. I also went to see my girl Alexis one night while she was working. It went by so fast and before I knew it I was boarding my flight to Miami for fashion week and the swim show. After a couple days of fittings I got booked to model for
Blue Glue swimwear. The line was based out of LA, and it was their initial launch on the east coast. It was a lot of fun, I got to meet some great people that week. Amanda was one of the girls I met that I am still friends with. She was so much fun to hang out with. The ladies I worked with were also amazing! I stayed with my mom's friends Debbie & Larry once my fittings were over and

I started to work. It was a relief to have them there. They were so welcoming, I felt like I was home away from home. I was having a blast, but I was really missing Trae. I had decided to surprise him in New York City. We had originally planned to go there with his Dad, but there was a problem with me getting a flight. I ended up getting it all worked out, and didn't tell him that I would be joining them after all.

With Brad and I scheduled to arrive the evening before Trae, it was the perfect plan to surprise him :) I was so excited to leave for New York City. That day Debbie took me to get my nails and toes done at this cute little place she liked on the way to the airport. I was full of butterflies, I couldn't wait to see Trae and to feel his arms around me. Nothing could bring me down from the clouds, EXCEPT for a delayed flight!!! I was flying out of Ft. Lauderdale when I boarded the plane and sat at the gate for 2 hours. They couldn't figure out what was wrong. So they then proceeded to deboard the plane. At this point, I was freaking out that I would miss my connecting flight into Charlotte.

So I made my way to the desk where they were rerouting passengers. Fortunately I was one of the first people in line. After sitting on the plane that long my phone was starting to die. I luckily got a direct flight to Newark, but I had to walk to a totally different terminal and go through security again. Once I was at my gate, I plugged in my phone and made some phone calls. And waited to board my new flight. It was smooth sailing until I landed in Newark.
xoxo .:TMarie:.