It was sooo early in the morning and we had to be ready to leave the casino at like 930 am for the golf course...and getting to bed by 4 am from the previous night made it extremely hard! Somehow we managed to function early enough to catch the last bus going to the golf course. It was the calm before the storm when we arrived at the golf course...They assigned us to a tee box we were gona be at all day.

I was so excited, because Trae had taken me to the driving range while I was home so that I could start learning how to play...And with starting to take lessons, I really wanted to go warm up with some of the guys on the driving range....I went over there and hit a few good balls it was so fun! I learned a couple other techniques as well. So once everyone was assigned we all headed out to the course. I was really enjoying the day, the weather was beautiful....I mean that perfect breeze and sunshine that you expect for a day of golf.
Playmates and I |
I do believe that the guys had an awesome time...everyone was so nice and friendly out sponsor was amazing...we didn't have alcohol on our tee, but we had it delivered kindly from golfers passing through. The Playmates were so awesome as well...We all got along like a family...it was definitely one of the best golf outings I had been on other than of course the finals in LA. Once the day was over we loaded the buses up and headed back to the Monte Carlo.
Mike and OJ our AZ Cards Boys |
We had been drinking all day and cutting up with our boys from the AZ Cardinals that we decided to run up and change and head out with them for more drinks...we all went next door to the City Center to walk around and hangout...Later that evening we had dinner plans with Ajay the CEO of
Playboy Golf and John from the
Monte Carlo, and a few other friends before the awards ceremony... We all made our way after dinner to the party and after that it was time to celebrate, gamble, and drink!
Our friends won the tournament...and it was GO time...we were having a great time until things started getting weird...I was really wanting to play some cards, but it just wasn't the right atmosphere...And this girl with us wasn't quite getting the picture still, that we didn't want her around...she didn't know how to handle herself or act appropriately, and we were sharing a room with her which made it weird.

So we packed up our stuff and snuck out!! YES! we did some black ops work on sneaking out of the hotel without her knowing, we had previously over heard her talking wrongly about Shayna which made it all the more while for us to bounce without notice...we had the cab take us to my friend's suite at
Caesar's buttttt my dumbass left something in the room that I needed so I had to go back, only this time it was wayyyyy easier sneaking out because I didn't have luggage. Once everything was settled, we headed down to gamble a little...but it wasnt our night, or my friends he took a pretty bad hit losing pretty hard.

So we headed to the little cafe for a quick bite before bed and to our excitement we see people taking pictures around the main lobby fountain...it was a guy who stripped down naked swimming laps around the fountain....hahaha all of sudden he jumps up and runs out of the casino naked, LMAO he left his clothes in a pile on the floor....then we see him run back in for them, (Idiot) I guess he realized he didn't have them on...UMM can we say "drunk dare"...the next thing we know he is trying to put his jeans back on, but can't seem to get them up and busts his ass on the marble floor because he slips....haha this was the funniest thing I had ever seen...by that time security and LVPD had caught up to him and as he was resisting arrest they slammed him back on the ground, although it seemed as if he agreed to get up, he then tried to run,

baaaahahaha, yeh right! this fool was caught in a millisecond...all we could hear as the were trying to handcuff him was "Don't taze me bro, Don't taze me bro" and the people in the lobby chanting "LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO"....Needless to say this idiot was headed to jail and with no friends to be found LMAO, It was definitely an eventful end to an eventful day...but HEY, That's Vegas for you!
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