Waking up to the Ocean is always a relaxing way to start your day! Trae and I were up early because of the time change difference so we walked down to the pool to make sure our cabana reservation we had was ready for us after breakfast. The pool was already filling up fast, it was a good thing we reserved our cabana prior to our trip.

We enjoyed breakfast at our hotel restaurant. While we were almost finished dining Troy and Julie managed to find us, so we paid our check and headed up to the room to change while they ate...We all met back up at the pool ready for a little Miami R&R. I had some girlfriends in town from San Diego staying at the same hotel as us that weekend also.

So I invited them to come over and chill with us, our cabana was big enough for 10+ people and it was only the 4 of us so the more the merrier it was. The day was pretty chill most of the time. We enjoyed the sun and cocktails and music. Shaq even decided to take a stroll through our pool area that day.
Once that happened it was a fan frenzy although the girls and I tried to go over for a picture of course it didn't happen he wasn't the friendliest guy. Especially in an pool party atmosphere but whatever that didn't burst our bubble we still snapped photos from a distance LOL. After all that nonsense we had our server bring us more drinks...and then the girls split up from the boys to walk around and scope out the other pools and the beach...

It was so beautiful and the sun was shinning so perfectly leaving a nice little tan on my skin behind...I love the beach deck that our resort had and the cabanas out there. The sand was so inviting as it glistened in the sunlight...it was my favorite place to be on this Earth...to feel the sand between my toes is like to feel my soul opening up and connecting to something much greater than my life....I love that feeling of letting go of the world around me with the recognition that we are tiny creatures subjective to nature's greatness. I guess that's the beach baby in me, but its something I have never been able to let go of.

We headed back over to the pool to refill our drinks and bring the boys over to the beach area. I was really enjoying the day and relaxing, it was definitely a well needed day. When we got back over there they had ordered some food so we stayed out a little longer by the pool and laid out in the sun....It was such an enjoyable day until we wanted them to come back to the beach with us...

These boys are so competitive but if one gives in than the other has to follow and well Troy was the one to give so I ended up getting my way because Trae had to follow even though I could tell he didn't want to go. Once we got them out there it wasn't so bad. We waded out into the ocean and snapped some classic beach photos and stood around and laughed at people on the beach. I was a happy girl, that day was almost perfect. As the sun was starting to go down we packed up our stuff and headed to the room for a nap before dinner and the Lakers game that night.

Yes even on vacation we watched the Lakers game :) We couldn't miss the playoff games it was too intense. The boys had already scoped out our dinner spot at the steak house in our resort...waking up that evening after a brief nap I started to get dressed the plan that evening was dinner, the game, and the club...We were going to try to hit up LIV that night because it wasn't as crazy from the night before on prices for tables and bottles.

Well arriving to the restaurant we found out the boys kinda thought dinner out! When we got there the only TVs were in the bar area so we made ourselves cozy for the game and started our evening. The food was absolutely mouth watering they had the best Mac&Cheese...and if anyone knows me they know this is my favorite dish! So of course I wasn't leaving with out trying it! The game was awesome we won that night. We were all in a great mood, having laughs trying to decide on plans for the next day...all the while becoming tired and realizing that going to the club probably wasn't going to happen. Instead we walked around outside the pool and over to the yachts trying to figure out if we could rent one for the following day. It was such a beautiful night outside, I really wanted to go lay on the daybeds at the beach and listen to the waves crash against the shore. I convinced Trae to go with me, falling asleep to the ocean is also an amazing way to end your day...

it was so peaceful and I couldn't have been anymore content with how we ended our day :)
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