After the wedding, the fighting began. We argued for days about what we were, what we were doing with each other. All the normal questions that arise after you hit a certain point in a relationship. Then questioning trust, loyalty, and faithfulness became topics that inevitably was tearing us apart. We weren't ready, or he wasn't ready. I was completely ready for us to move forward but could feel the doubt in his presence whether or not he had given up the past, the urge to be single and in the game. This was OK for him to feel, but was it healthy for us? No. I needed time away to think or not to think, but to just be away. Luckily I had planned the previous summer that I would be going to Indianapolis for my birthday and the Superbowl. I didn't have a ticket to the game but I was just excited to be a part of everything else that weekend. Rachel had planned a ton of stuff for us to do while I was there. So I loaded up my suitcase and hit the road for an unforgettable weekend.

So we all got dolled up and headed to the ESPN Magazine party for the Drake performance that night. As you can probably only imagine, we were in sports athlete heaven for those of you who are interested. I met several people that night mingling through the party. Probably one of the funniest moments was when Cam Newton's "friend" approached our entourage with the classic line "Hey Ladies how are you doing tonight? I would like you to meet one of my friends".....and there stands Cam. Whats really funny was that I shook his hand said hello and headed to the bar to get a drink while the other girls talk for a minute or two while I'm at the bar. When I get back they are walking away and Rachel says to me "you know who that is right??" I said "No.....who?" she says "Cam Newton" I said back to her "hahahaha oops I totally dissed him with a Hello and a dip out of the conversation." LMAO we just laughed. One of the best moments of the night. That night we also met Tim Tebow who I was thoroughly not impressed with and tons of other people.
Rachel and Terrell Owens had been friends for awhile and we were all supposed to meet up here then go to the next party together. While we waited for T.O. to show up we walked and talked among all the NFL alumni. It was quite an entertaining party. Upon his late arrival we finally got our group together for the next party. The after party at Sensu. We show up and the club is getting ready to close. Rachel and Terrell tried pulling as many strings as they could but the door guy wasn't budging. Looks like even if you're an NFL star and a Local Celebrity whose station promotes your business they don't care and will turn their heads to you as they let people in the back door down the ally. It was quite a joke so we said forget it, we will have our own after party! It was gourmet microwave pizza's by Jackie in the hotel suite and laughter about the night and how stupid Sensu was earlier, followed by all of us piling up in the cab back to Rachel's. This was just night one. We had a couple more to go!
The next day Rachel and I went to eat at one of our fav places to cure our hangover, Barcelona's. It was a dreary kinda of day, rainy and cold. Of course we had no umbrella and needed one, so as we walked to Superbowl Village, we stopped and got one. Frolicking through downtown Indy headed to the Celebrity Beach bowl we decided to change course, and we met up with one of my friends Blake who had seen on Facebook that I was in town and said we all needed to meet up for lunch. Well since we just ate lunch we joined them for drinks to start the afternoon at Capitol Grill. Little did we know that this would change the whole outcome of the weekend. Blake was having lunch with 2 of his friends, JJ and Stephen. We had no clue who they were by the names. When we got there it was just Blake and JJ.

Blake mentioned he was going to possibly have an extra ticket for me for the game on Sunday if one of his friends couldn't make it in town in time. So we all made plans to go to the Maxim together that night as a group. It wasn't until after we left to roam around the NFL Experience with Blake that he said do you even know who Stephen is? We both said "No".....he laughed and said "that was Stephen Baldwin." Rachel about died laughing about her competition on how many listeners she had compared to him. We couldn't stop laughing about how non star-struck we were. We did the classic Tim Tebow pose, as people stared at us outside under the Zipline, walked around some more and then headed back to her place to rest and get ready for the night.
I met up with everyone at Capitol Grill for dinner while Rachel was at an appearance for work. I found out just before dinner that my additional ticket was claimed because Blake's friend Brooks had just made it to his hotel before all of us going to dinner.
The NFL Alumni association was staying at the Conrad Hotel attached, and it was full of Celebrities walking throughout the lobby and the Capitol Grill. Drew Brees, Danny Devito (Shortest man alive lol) LMFAO (and their ridiculous outfits) Robert Randolph, Tracy Morgan just to name a few. It was certainly an experience of a life time. I was enjoying every moment of this Epic weekend. Trae was on my mind but with all the fighting going on prior to me leaving, he didn't seem to care if I called or not. Nor was he remotely interested on how my weekend was going. But, I did my best checking in with him and trying to talk to him throughout the weekend and telling him how much fun I was having. After we all ate and Rachel got there. We were running really behind to the party, and after standing waiting on the limo my bossy self and sense of needing to be in control kicked in, and I started walking up the street to catch a cab to the party.
Everyone told me it wouldn't work, well you know what?? I pulled up in a cab and picked everyone up and we headed to the party. Red Carpet entrance and all. Rachel saw Marco Andretti one of her long time friends and James Hinchcliffe so we went over to say hello which was a fiasco because they were sitting with Ludacris. Whom Blake knew too. Everything was so surreal....and we were having the time of our lives. At the end of the party we saw DJ Vice unplug his laptop and hop off the stage. Instead of catching a cab back we got on the after party limo bus with our group....which low and behold DJ Vice was setting up his laptop for the ride!! Only would this happen to us.
When we got to the after party we saw Lil Jon, and LMFAO up on the balcony spinning tracks until DJ Vice took over. It was simply a crazy turn of events. We partied until 4 am and then got a cab ride back at the close of the night. The next morning was Superbowl Sunday we had brunch that day at Rock Bottom brewery and talked about all of us getting ready for the tailgate parties and meeting up before the game, only thing was that I was the ONLY person sitting at the table without a ticket. I was OK with that too, I would simply tailgate then go watch it somewhere downtown. Stephen said that just wasn't an option and that I would be going to the game if he could find an extra ticket. As our group was leaving the restaurant I got a fair share of Celebrity paparazzi, people were taking pictures of us and wanting pictures with Stephen, it was quite hilarious.
While getting ready with Rachel we ran over so many options about the game and what to wear etc. She was taking her Dad to the game with her extra ticket, which was the sweetest thing. I couldn't even be upset at her for that....I would totally take my Dad to the Superbowl if I had that opportunity. When he got to her place we all left and headed to the stadium to the Maxim tailgate party. On the way at 2:45 pm on Superbowl Sunday I got a text from Blake that said "you owe me" and I said "why...?" he then replied back with "You're going to the Superbowl" I then immediately jumped up and down with excitement!! and called him. He said that Stephen had pulled through and got me an extra ticket. I was so ecstatic and happy. I didn't care where the seat was, who I was sitting next to, or even the fact that I would be sitting solo!
I was going and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would be at this Epic game. Rachel, her Dad and I met up with all of them at the tailgate and took photos etc, we then got a car to take us to the NFL Alumni Assocation to pick up my ticket to the game. While we were there, I met LL Cool J, Vivica Fox and many more. The biggest surprise of the whole weekend was when Stephen walked over to me and said I have your ticket. He opened the envelope and there were 3 tickets. It was mine, his, and he Radio station cohost's....we were all sitting together! I asked how did that happen and he said his brother had these extra tickets he forgot about so he gave him the option to do what he wanted with them and he kept them for all of us to sit together and gave up his other seats. I was so excited, and so lucky! I couldn't believe I was actually getting my ticket just an hour before kickoff, and I was going to be on the 4th row Giants Sideline. It was unbelievable. That game I cheered on the Giants for Jerrel, I got to see music legend Madonna perform during the half time show. All from 4 rows back from the the field.
The NFL Alumni association was staying at the Conrad Hotel attached, and it was full of Celebrities walking throughout the lobby and the Capitol Grill. Drew Brees, Danny Devito (Shortest man alive lol) LMFAO (and their ridiculous outfits) Robert Randolph, Tracy Morgan just to name a few. It was certainly an experience of a life time. I was enjoying every moment of this Epic weekend. Trae was on my mind but with all the fighting going on prior to me leaving, he didn't seem to care if I called or not. Nor was he remotely interested on how my weekend was going. But, I did my best checking in with him and trying to talk to him throughout the weekend and telling him how much fun I was having. After we all ate and Rachel got there. We were running really behind to the party, and after standing waiting on the limo my bossy self and sense of needing to be in control kicked in, and I started walking up the street to catch a cab to the party.
Everyone told me it wouldn't work, well you know what?? I pulled up in a cab and picked everyone up and we headed to the party. Red Carpet entrance and all. Rachel saw Marco Andretti one of her long time friends and James Hinchcliffe so we went over to say hello which was a fiasco because they were sitting with Ludacris. Whom Blake knew too. Everything was so surreal....and we were having the time of our lives. At the end of the party we saw DJ Vice unplug his laptop and hop off the stage. Instead of catching a cab back we got on the after party limo bus with our group....which low and behold DJ Vice was setting up his laptop for the ride!! Only would this happen to us.

While getting ready with Rachel we ran over so many options about the game and what to wear etc. She was taking her Dad to the game with her extra ticket, which was the sweetest thing. I couldn't even be upset at her for that....I would totally take my Dad to the Superbowl if I had that opportunity. When he got to her place we all left and headed to the stadium to the Maxim tailgate party. On the way at 2:45 pm on Superbowl Sunday I got a text from Blake that said "you owe me" and I said "why...?" he then replied back with "You're going to the Superbowl" I then immediately jumped up and down with excitement!! and called him. He said that Stephen had pulled through and got me an extra ticket. I was so ecstatic and happy. I didn't care where the seat was, who I was sitting next to, or even the fact that I would be sitting solo!

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