My PIC's! Where to begin...They are my girls though they may be far away or a little distant at times they will always be there. We met under the oddest circumstances but became the best of friends. 
First there was Kristen...oh how do I explain her! LOL Well we met at Hooters, but didn't hang out until

she was at MTSU one night for a party. This wasn't just any party either it was a Alpha Phi Alpha party at one of the local yes her and I decided to go. I don't remember much about that night other than a lot of good looking guys...LOL this night lead to many more eventful nights and lunches on campus...One to remember for a lifetime was how we got the name P.I.C ....and the tale begins...I was dating J.J. and his boys had there own little crew name C.O.C....hahah we used to laugh about it...but one night lead to ou

r 3 letter acronym... SUPER BOWL XLI ....what a night to remember it all started when I met her in Brentwood to go to Jonathan's to watch the game. We had wings, drinks and lots of laughs...Then we got a phone call to go the Layla so we changed and went...Little did we know how much we had to drink, so when we got there we had 2 martinis and stopped drinking for the night. Then it came time to head home for the night...and we were headed to the some dumbasses to see our boys LOL. We arrived safely to my house...which is w

ere we should have stayed, but nope we had to go see the boys...I left first and Kristen was following me. Then I noticed I didnt see her anymore, which I thought she had made a turn or something...and she did LOL...a hard turn and flipped her jeep. I got this crazy phone call that said "can you come pick me up Im in the woods by a barn"....baaaahahah I was like huh wtf? At the time I didn't think about it I just came to get her and we left the Jeep there. Went back to her bf's apt and waited. It ended up being ok, at the time we were freaking out but that night she became my Partner In Crime...PIC <---- Our Acronym! LOL......and she is still my girly!
.:XOXO TMarie:.
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