My PIC's! Where to begin...They are my girls though they may be far away or a little distant at times they will always be there. We met under the oddest circumstances but became the best of friends.

Oh Alys how do I LOVE thee...
Let me count the ways!!!! We met through boys... J.J. and K.B. yes the both of us were dating these two idiots at the time we became friends. So people would question given our early betrayal to each other how did we become friends. WEll people that's JUST it! We had a minor stupidity ourselves not realizing what we had found in each other until years later....that it was definitely Hoes over Bros in later date and time...But to begin...Alys was bestfriends with the girl that my ex J.J. dated before me. So she kinda owed her loyalty to her, UNTIL...she realized what a cool person I was! LOL We spent night after night hiding and pro
tecting secrets that our boyfriends made us keep, if we wanted anything to do with them. I despise them for that reason! It wasn't fair. I'm sure we both agree that we heard fight after fight through the hallway of the boy's townhouse, because they were roommates we new their darkest secrets...but little did we know of the person we were in a relationship with. So on one of those nights when we were left behind for a "guys night" we decided to hangout and have martinis at my place and go out in the 'boro together! This was the night we bonded...I believe she became my P.I.C that night! As time went on we grew closer and m
ore knowledgeable of the boy's actions. We have spent NYE after NYE together and I even took her out for her graduation. We had our girly Monday nights to watch the Hills and I would cook dinner the last summer she was in the 'boro, and on one of those girly nights she came to me with a secret I vowed to keep until she wanted people to know....and it was her precious babygirl K! Yes I went with her to her first ultrasound, and stood by her when she had no one else.....
It was amazing to see her mature to a momma and watch her grow wisdom to the fact that those boys were nothing but trouble and she needed to get out, and get out fast! When she left I was so sad, I missed her laugh and the way we complained about the guys and how we were obsessed with fashion. Once she was gone it was like my whole world changed. I didn't have that kind of bond with anyone else, So I couldn't take it anymore...our birthdays were only 6 days apart and I hadn't seen her in a long time so I took a trip to Kingsport to visit for her birthday :) and her lil miss....It was a great weekend I couldn't have had it any other way...since lil K has been older we have went back to our NYE tradition, and I hope that we have many more to spend together....she is my long distance closest friend and will always be my P.I.C. :) I loveeeee you Alys!!!!

.:XOXO TMarie:.
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