So lets recap here...Its only 2008....and I landed my internship, made my first trip to the "CITY of ANGELS" (LA), had the best birthday ever, visited my P.I.C Alys to see her new joy of life for the first time, and just finished up my
last full semester of college!!! There was no better way to celebrate this and my boyfriends 33rd birthday, and Memorial weekend 2008, than my first ever trip to VEGASSSSS!!!! I wish I could say "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" but that wasn't the case here. LOL
kinda hard to keep it there when you go with the person you are with, BUT! I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was sooooo excited! The days counting up to our departure was nothing but SHOPPING!! hahaha of course! Oh but it was a sight to see me pack hahaha! Finally the day arrived, t
he limo picked us up, we boarded our jet plane and flew off into the stop was SIN CITY and I had my party hat on!!! As we were descending into Las Vegas McCarran International Airport....I felt like I was 5 years old seeing Disney World for the first time! All the bright neon flashing lights that ignited the evening sky, it was amazing
! I could feel the excitement building up inside me and I was ready to release it!!! ( COME oN PEO
PLE get your carryon's faster and get to steppin!!! We don't have all night!!! ) LOL my own personal thought about how slowww people are when they get off the plane...yes at times I can be a little impatient...ok, ok maybe ALOT impatient... but come on who wouldn't be, am I right?? VIVVVAAAAA LAS VEGAS!!! So we weren't the only ones who were in Vegas of course we brought a few
with us...and Trae's twin drove over from LA...and one of my good friends came with her boyfriend from San Diego...We had a suite at Bally's...and once we got there and unloaded Trae was headed straight to the poker tables...he couldn't wait. As for the rest of us (girls) we unpacked an
d got dressed to head out on the town! LAX nightclub was the party destination for that night....we got in VIP of course no lines for us that's how we roll...It was a wild night tons of alcohol...I think we finished 2 bottles of goose plus extra drinks between 6 people. Needless to say the buffet was calling my name at 5 am! The next morning I think I was still drunk but I woke up at
9:30 am and was ready to go shopping....I finally got everybody up and we headed across to the Bellagio for a wonderful breakfast in the sunroom. I had the most wonderful eggs Benedict and a bloody mary....then we and continued to drink (springbreak mode) come on don't judge
me its Vegas People! LOL The Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace were mind blowing...OH my Gosh I was in heaven!!! I could have done some serious damage there, but I was good...I had to keep in mind that I had like NO extra space in the suitcase...But it was fun to look, and the boys were ready to head back to the poker tables, and I needed a nap. So the agenda for the night originally was to go to PURE at Caesar's but because we got such a late start getting out they were at Capacity with no VIP tables left..
.so we trucked it on over to LAX again we figured well at least we know people here and got a BAD A** table on the dance floor, and we were ready to throw down...That night they had a guest DJ in from Atlanta I don't remember who it was but he was AWESOME!! We rocked out so hard we had people buying us bottles of Dom Pérignon just so they could hang out with us. Jen was so excited about
the sparklers that came on top of the bottle...I think we had like that night became a bluuuurr. It was sooooo much fun we partied and danced our asses off. I dont think that I have ever seen Trae like that before. I couldn't blame him tho it was his bday! So after the club we made our way back to Bally's LOL the BOYS decided they wanted to play poker....hahaha can we say drunken the girls leave to go get food...I was soooo drunk I handed the server at the end of our meal our room key as a credit card for her to charge it to the room...and proceeded to walk barefoot through the casino to find Trae and deliver
his Cheeseburger. LOL they didn't come in til I think 8:30 am...I later found out that Trae kept falling asleep at the table LMFAOO wish I coulda seen that one. Well we all got up and managed to find our way to breakfast, and then out to the Blu Pool for a little of VitaminD aka SU
NSHINE!!!! We spent the day out there and then came in for some after 'zzzzzzzzz and then managed to do it all over again only this night we headed out to the PALMS at Ghost Bar. It was a little more of a relaxed lounge drinks party night but it was just as great. I absolutely was blown away from the view of the Las Vegas strip from the balcony of Ghost Bar. It was so surreal...was this really my life?? The cool night breeze
twisted through my hair as I looked into the eyes the man standing before me and at that moment I felt so blessed to have him in my was our last night here with we enjoyed their company as we had the time of our lives. The next morning was kind of bittersweet. I was kind of sad that everyone would be leaving us a day early, but I was kinda happy to have the last night in this magical city to ourselves. We spent the day in our own world of therapy....I went to the pool and the spa...while Tra
e played some poker...then we met back at our suite to relax and get ready for an amazing dinner at Bally's Steakhouse its rated 4.0 out of 5 on tripadvisor, and I definitely give it a 5! The service was wonderful and the food was too die for! After dinner he took me to the black jack table and wanted to show me how to play. I previously had NO idea how to gamble I was a little intimidated by it. It was fun we broke even and called it a night....As I got ready for bed we talked and laughed about what an amazing
weekend it had been and how we finished it off I closed my eyes satisfied and ready to wake up the next morning and come home back to our normal life together....I had a summer class to finish before I left Nashville for a couple months to live in Atlanta for my internship.

.:XOXO TMarie:.
I'm the friend from San Diego!!! And I still love the sparklers that come in champagne bottles! Excuse me...Dom Perignon. Great post Tiff!
ReplyDeleteHAHA I had to put that in there! BC I LOVEE that picture of you!! And you really did get excited when they brought them out haha! I miss you pretty!