We in the car, we ride slow,
We doin' things that the girls don't do, 
The boys stare, we smile back,
All my girls in the rainbow Cadillacs, yeah.
The summer of 2008 was one for the ladies....thats right ALL my girls! Kim, Kristen, Christi, Jess, Autumn, Heather, Haleigh, Shayna, Tiff, Jen, Kashonda, Jamey, Britt, & Angie, all of you!!!!
We rolled deep together every Friday and Saturday night...and days at the lake!! It was a great way to spend my last college summer.
The places to see and be seen were LOT7, BAR 23, 2Foot at Old Hickory lake, Agave, and SKY lounge. It w
as one of the best summers ever! It all came to an end with my party to celebrate my internship in
Atlanta. We had a blast I can't even begin in detail of what happened on those nights. It was shots, laughs, dancing, and more shots!
On one night we had a titled "Black Affair" where we all wore black, we
attended the Playboy Golf VIP party as guests to some of the sponsors, there was also a day out on the h
ouse boat, and multiple nights at the clubs out and about....I hope you enjoy the pictures for these are some of my fondest memories of that summer with my girls...Oh how I miss those days...but life changes and I was beginning to see that first hand, as I prepared to venture to a new city alone, to chase my dreams!!!
.:XOXO TMarie:.
ok 3 blogs in two days!! keep it comin' cuz you know I LOVE em!!