My PIC's! Where to begin...They are my girls though they may be far away or a little distant at times they will always be there. We met under the oddest circumstances but became the best of friends. 
Last but not Least Heidi...she was our honorary P.I.C. we accepted her to our click well because

she just fit....She was the 3rd roommates gf/baby m

omma....The first of the 3 boys to get preggo. Funny thing is...I remember meeting her through my tangled web of friends back in high school...YEP I said high school. She was on the cheerleading team with long time bestie of 8 years. Freshman year of college she met C.T. I didn't know until 2 years later...that she was preggo with his son....I wasn't exactly her friend either. I was C.T.'s girlfriend at the time friend, Mandy.

That lasted about a year and after she had Chi, we started becoming friends. Those were some crazy times because I was roommates with was a twisted little group....almost crazy enough to have a reality show....LITERALLY! And it all circled around the 3 stooges....It was nothing but

DRAMA.....But I felt for her, and helped take care of Chi....he was so precious, and all she wanted was a family, and for him to have a father to help raise him right. This little boy deserved some kind of stability, and was going get that no matter what. So one night the 3 of us decided to go out and bring Miss Heidi along because she needed a break...and trust me we did too!...That night we went to the club LOL we were the only people there hahahah it was LAME...but it was FREE to get, to drink, ALL night...we had an absolute bl

ast....LOL and even joked about the day we would be taking shots to our bachelorette parties!! Well a long 2 years went by, we laughed, had drama, watched Chi grow, and grew a bond together, and That came true! Heidi had met the guy she was going marry...Oddly enough he used to be one of my security guys at the club Hurricanes I worked at when I was 19....LOL small world.

I was so happy to hear the news. I felt she was blessed with a man who was willing to raise Chi as his son and love him like he was his own. The bachelorette party was so much fun, and helping her plan the wedding was too! It was a small intimate wedding, but was so beautiful...She was a gorgeous bride. We have been a lot closer lately than ever. I've been fortunate to watch Chi grow...he will be turning 5 at the end of this

month and he is so talented. Just 2 months ago Heidi gave birth to her newborn baby boy with her wonderful husband. They are so strong and can get through anything I have high hopes for them, and believe they

will see it to the end. I am blessed to have her and watch her lil boys grow they are so handsome and she is a wonderful mother. Keep it trucking Heidi you will catch your break one day ;) Love you dear! SO that leaves just me! The ONE and ONLY of the 3 stooge's Girlfriends to not get preggo....thank goodness! I'm definitely there for my girls tho!

.:XOXO TMarie:.
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