Not long after I got home from LA it seemed as if I was leaving again...my life was a whirlwind of travel those days....I spent the next few days recovering and reconnecting with my honey but it was too long before I was back on an airplane headed up to Baltimore. Those 5 days went quickly. This time it was family bonding, my mom had been wanting to do a girls trip somewhere and I had been going in and out of town so much that the only opportunity I had was Easter weekend, so I spent that in a place I had never been before with my mom and sister.

We planned a weekend getaway to Washington DC. Doing the research the week before our trip we found out that it was the
National Cherry Blossom Festival we ready to make that early flight into Baltimore, we rented a car and drove down to DC where we spent most of our trip. Somewhere along the way we got lost in Georgetown...

we couldn't find 11th St. looking back on it now hahaha it was the funniest thing ever although at that the time we found ourselves cranky mode because we were all hungry!!! The buildings were so beautiful and colorful everywhere we looked. There were monuments on every corner and statues of famous people throughout our history that helped make this the Land of the Free.

The city was rich with history and architecture. I definitely have much appreciation for it even though we were lost LOL. Finally driving over the Potomac River I could see our destination just across the Virginia state line and the hotel never looked so good!! It was unloading time and FOOD!! But I was soooo excited to get over to Constitution Ave. and start my walk back in time through American History!

Follow me and I will be your tour guide. The first place we stopped was for lunch...we at at this swanky sports bar called
The Exchange Saloon over near The White House. The food was pretty good but the convenience to the monuments was even better. We finished lunch and headed down 17th St towards the Washington Memorial. The trees were blooming and people were everywhere.

We walked as much as we could and stopped to enjoy the shade under the cherry blossoms. It was absolutely amazing to walk the sidewalks through the city that runs our country... all the power that was around us stood strong and tall in the buildings that represented our nation. We were so exhausted from all the walking and traveling that day that we headed back to the hotel to rest for dinner.
On the way in we stopped by our lobby bar and grabbed us a couple Bloody Mary's TOGO! We weren't sure if this was allowed but we took them up anyways...it was time to let the feet rest. We had dinner in Georgetown that night at a great place called
Clyde's...we wanted something special to the city. The food was simply wonderful. It was an early night for us after dinner. We had a lot to see the next day.
ok keep it coming