That a day it was, so much excitement was around us...and so much alcohol....first stop was our room...NAP TIME....once again how we were in tune with each other I have NO idea call it fate? maybe she was the best roomie I could have had. We "bunny" napped for about 45 min

s and then hit the showers to get ready for the disco party that night....We dressed up as total flower power...twins alike! We had the music going throwing clothes, makeup, hair spray, high heels...almost like our first slumber party when we were little girls...only difference is we weren't dressing up in our mom's heels and makeup anymore. But it was definitely girly time....our room was a disaster when we left, but it was a beautiful disaster.
The party was full of go go girls, flower power, and disco

dancers...everyone really got into the theme, drinks were being passed around people were dancing...flashes from cameras every couple minutes, everyone truly was enjoying themselves. We were making memories to last a lifetime. As the night came to a close we had to prepare for an early morning...

The next day was GOLF all day! Were we prepared for a 630 am wake up call ...Ummm what do you think?? They loaded us on the buses all 200 girls to head to the course for a round of celebrity golf at the
Pacific Palms golf course. Rachel and I got lucky our hole was #10....yep we called ourselves the "prefect 10" we were the Monster energy drink sponsored hole. There was TV coverage... media shoots, playmates and lots of girls roaming the golf course...All day we danced to the tunes of our DJ...chilled on the couches and entertained the golfers as they passed through...it was a long day but we made it all the way through...The girls from our hole were featured in the July 2010 issue of Playboy under the "World of Playboy" photos. So yes I can finally say I was in an issue...how funny! We were also featured on SPIN magazine website front page...

We were so exhausted at the end of the day that we made it back to the hotel to nap once again but didn't end up waking up til 1 am....We seemed to be right on schedule with each other...twinky brains were definitely vibing...So was grabbed some food went down to the lobby for a bit and went back to sleep...our next day was a trip to Malibu for lunch on the beach :)
keep em coming Tiff...still need a yrs worth ...lol