"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." - T.S. Elliot
This was something so true. I was wasn't sure what was in store for my new beginning, but I was starting from an end, whether it be the end of the year or the end of my relationship. All things must come to an end and I was ready to close the door on some of the most unforgettable moments in my life and also some I wouldn't prefer to remember. The weekend started with me running around finishing up helping a friend decorate the Berger building for the NYE party that was being thrown there. When Alys arrived I was still preparing for the party. This was such a crazy day. I went home to start getting ready, waiting on the girls to get home.

I remember the last few moments of that year so perfectly. I remember being so lost in the mix of memories and emotions flashing before my eyes and looking around in daze, in my own little world realizing that this was my reality and all the while dreaming and wanting to be somewhere else. I remember the New Years before and the joking around that Trae and I said that this time the following year I wasnt spending this New Years as his girlfriend....although I didn't literally think that was going to happen, I was hoping actually for quite the opposite. Its crazy how things in your subconscious sometimes come true at some point it, as if you draw these things to you out of the universe.
I remember toasting to the goodbyes of 2010 and welcoming the New Year and all the possibilities I was willing to see with open eyes and open arms. The toast was inspirational and bittersweet. I was so lucky to have friends and family with me those last few moments. I had come so far that cold month of December and I wasnt looking back once the clock struck midnight.
10...9...8....7....6...5...4...3...2....1.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
All around me the excitement level was at its highest....loads of cheers and laughter and sweet kisses. It was kinda depressing, but I didnt let it get me down. With in seconds of ringing in the new year it became a down pour on Broadway. It was as if the weather held out long enough for passionate new years kisses under the falling rain for those below. Once all the NYE hype had slowed down it was time for shots and a little Rock-n-Roll. Our party was just getting started, and it continued through night and early into the morning as the bottom of the sky continued to fall, as if it was washing away all things of 2010. 7DayBinge killed it on stage that night. The rest of the night became a blur as most of them did. I just remember Troy picking us up at the Hardrock and heading to Cafe Coco which I am sure we spent hours trying to eat. The night was long but I was happy that it was over. Thank you to the ones I spent that evening with....Troy, Alys, Britt, Todd, Darrell, Erin, Lindsey, etc you know who you are....It was a great NYE!


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