That night as I packed my things to go over to Trae's I was excited to see the family soon. I was hopelessly wanting this to mend our relationship. This time away from everyone here. When I arrived to his house the night before we chilled and watched TV. It was an early morning for us, we were flying on Thanksgiving morning, bright and early.

A sharing little bit of food, a little bit of beer, and a game of football to watch sounded like a perfect layover to me! It was good to see him smile. That was one of my favorite things about him and his laugh. We we finally landed in Vegas and we were starving! We needed to unpack for the weekend and I was ready for a shower and to get ready for dinner. I thought we had plans somewhere for dinner but these two didn't make a reservation thinking it would be easy to get in somewhere. Well that wasn't the case, and the only thing on their minds was poker. So they did a quick change and headed down to the tables while I got ready. When I met them down in the casino, we tried to figure out what we wanted to do. I haven't been anywhere but home for Thanksgiving so I was bit lost other than I wanted, you know the usual feast. So we chose the Buffet, not thinking it would take the line long to move, well needless to say we were wrong.

We decided there was no need to go out since it was just us two. Which was fine to me, I wanted the alone time with him. When everyone arrived the next day, it was a day of gambling. Blackjack, Poker, Sports book, slots...this family definitely loved to play and bet. After watching the games that evening in the Sports book, we couldn't decide what to do, so the plan was to take me to Old Town, where the original Las Vegas strip was. I was so excited, of all the times I had been to Vegas I hadn't gone down to see this. The lights, the people, the cold weather, bundled up next to Trae as we walked was an evening unforgettable.
We even sat and played dollar blackjack with the addicted. After we left, Trae went back to the poker tables and Troy and I played blackjack, we bonded that night I think. As he was having problems with Julie, we could relate on opposite terms with our relationships. It was good talking with him. Learning things I never knew. Well the weekend was over and we were getting up the next morning to fly back home. I was sad to leave, because I would be going back home to my harsh reality. That this was maybe only just a dream a glimer of hope that this could bring back together. I was soon to find out it wasn't.
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