It was that next morning, I said my goodbyes, grabbed a cab on that cold rainy morning in LA and then I boarded a plane to head home. Although, I was coming home to a world that was about to change drastically. I was excited to see "the doctor" when I arrived home. I was stringing myself along a road of uncertainty at the time, but I was thoroughly happy in his presence. I was't home for maybe 3 days before I was packing up and leaving again for the weekend. This time I was headed to Indy for the Pacers game with Rachel. I was excited to get up there and hangout, as if we didn't get enough time together the previous week.

We did some shopping, enjoyed the game, and went out to party. Then I was headed home. I didn't really have time to think too much at that point except for when I was on the road. Realizing that I was moving in a week put me in overload. My last night before moving, I enjoyed the noise of the crowd cheering on the USA soccer team with Denise. It was another spring rainy night, I had never been to a league Soccer game before so I wasn't sure what expect...actually I'm pretty sure neither of us knew what to expect, but we still managed to have a blast.

After the night had ended, it was back to packing up the last few things, and I'm not sure if I was ready for the changes. I was staying super busy and writing helped me cope with a lot of things at that time, and writing a lot. There had been so many changes in my recent past that caused a sort of whirlwind of emotions. Blogging was the constant that kept my sanity at the time of such craziness. Our new home brought light, and new people in my life. I wasn't quite sure how living with a musician was going to be like but, it was too late to turn back now. This was going to be an interesting year to say the least. That first month of April, I had so many things happening. On my first night completely moved in, I was joined by the company of "the Doctor" not sure if its what I actually needed, but his warm and inviting smile was pleasant to see when I opened the door. To my surprise I was handed a house warming gift. A fresh scented candle, one of his favorites, a familiar scent and one that would burn and always remind me of him. It was a sweet gesture followed by dinner and wine at the City House in my new neighborhood for the evening.

He then walked me to my door kissed me good night and headed home. He was always quite the gentlemen, and I liked that about him at the time. So I was left to unpacking and getting adjusted to me new place to call home, although nothing about it felt like home. Chris had moved in quickly, but was gone our first weekend in our new house, and things were strung everywhere. The following week when we were all together for the first time, Rachel came down and we made a big family feast. The laughter filled our house quickly.
We were all beginning to enjoy living there. It wasn't shortly that my sister was coming down, and I was going to meet nephew Rowan for the first time since he had been born. I was pretty excited to see him and her. We spent the day shopping, and getting frozen yogurt and just spending time with family. He was the cutest little boy, and I had the best time bonding with him. I didn't want for them to leave. But, they could only stay so long, and I understood.
Being around children kindly reminds me that one day I hope that comes for me, that I hope I've made some decisions along the to ensure I have the opportunity to experience a love so great. But it was back to my busy life, my life that was not tied down to anyone or anything.
When I say I stayed busy I really did. That same week, was the Monster Ball. My one my great friends, Amy, had tickets last minute for us to go! I was super excited! To see Lady Gaga live was awesome! Little did I know

Amy had managed to get us right down by the stage, it was awesome! We had to wait for ever to hold our place but it was definitely worth not being able to feel my feet by the end of the night and my legs feeling like jello from standing for so long. But, Lady Gaga was one of the best concerts I had ever been to. She completely rocked the stage. I was also so happy that my sister was able to go as well. Although towards the end of the night I was a bit jealous that she had a seat, but whose to say she wasn't jealous that we were so close. It was one of the "grass is greener on the other side moments" but needless to say we were blessed and so thankful for Amy to have taken us along for the experience. Our friendship was beginning to really flourish over the next few months into a great one. May promised endings, new relationships, new feelings, and new experiences on my journey to collecting the pieces of me and putting them back together.
MORE....MORE...MOREE...your still a year behind...lmao