As May rolled around things began to happen quickly. There were so many events going on. One of the first things I was planning for was Steeplechase! It was going to be my first year for big hats, and horse racing! I honestly had no idea what to expect, but thank goodness I was going with a few veterans to the game. Craig, his sister, her husband and I, threw on plaid, boots, dresses and hats and headed to races for some mint juleps and social gatherings. If you have never been, I suggest going at least once to experience the day.

It calls for a good days worth of tailgating, gambling, grilled food and just good friends, with always a chance of rain! LOL and of course my first time we had rain. All and all it was a great day!! Later on that evening we had dinner at their parents house then continued drinking for the post steeplechase activities, Chris my roommate had a show and the night was longer than expected. I met up with the Doctor throughout the day and evening to hangout we were beginning to spend ample amounts of time together and feelings were beginning to bloom, but still the hesitation was there to commit to any feelings.
Sure we liked each other but we were just slowly coming around to admit that to each other, it would take a few more months. As the days dropped from the calendar of May, I enjoyed Preds playoff games with Amy and friends. Spending those Tuesdays and Thursdays in Smashville! Then soon becoming unemployed was a shock! Around the end of May I was laid off.

I wasn't sure how to handle it, or what I was going to do. That night sitting on the Doctor's couch we just embraced the fact and began to look at things and options for me. He truly was great to have beside me while dealing with the shock of not going to work the next day. I took that time of freedom and just enjoyed my next month with long days at the pool, training myself to get up and run every morning, and sending out resumes in hopes of finding something new. One of my adventures during that time of freedom was my first Indy 500 Experience.

Rachel was so stoked that last minute she had spare tickets to all the Indy 500 parties and race day tickets. So I packed up that day and headed up to Indianapolis, with no expectations and nothing holding me back in TN. Upon my arrival to Indy, Rachel warned me that I would be getting up super early to go to the station with her before heading to Carb Day at the track. It was so awesome to watch her work, and to see what truly happens in the Radio stations during the AM shows.

Her and Kyle were absolutely hilarious!! If the city of Indy could hear their outtakes they would love them 10x more! Our Motto became the "Pace of the Race" because of a caller. And that was truth, we were going at 230 mph the rest of the weekend! Carb Day had started and so did the drinking. If any of you don't know, this weekend is full of drinking and fast cars! Ironically, the Doctor was up here that weekend as well for the race with his friends. He got in town later than I did. But had no idea I was there. My plan was to just visit with Rachel for the weekend but that got messed up when we ended up running into each other on Carb day. We ended up hanging out for a few but went our separate ways because Rachel some how managed to get us into the garages!

I was so excited. Before this weekend I had never been to a race and with her close ties to some of the Indy car teams we got to go back there. It had been such a long day! We enjoyed the garages and then headed over to some of the suites before heading home so I could get a good view of the track before Sunday's event. We had such a good time. Later that night I met up with the Doctor and friends in an area of Indy called Broad Ripple, it was kind of a disastrous night. I didn't really know anyone he was with other than his friend from Nashville and things felt just plain weird. I ended up driving some of us home because they were to far gone to imagine driving and I wasn't leaving my car in an area I didn't know.

We ended up getting home safely. I was beginning to feel really uncomfortable but I was to far away from Rachel's to consider driving that late home. We ended up getting in a ridiculous fight and I just laid down to go to sleep. That next morning while everyone headed to the pool I headed back to Rachel's to relax and get ready for the Fantasy 500 party that night that we had VIP passes to. We were Red Carpet ready for the event and well rested. We enjoyed the free cocktails, the music and the company of friends who also were in town for the eventful weekend. I can honestly say it had been a great evening frolicking with some of the celebrities that were there. But my ultimate mistake and I blame my clouded judgement on alcohol was deciding to stay out later than Rachel did. I mistakenly thought it was a good idea to go meet up with the Doctor for round two this night. SO, I did. We had a better night that night, but I would regret my decision the next morning when I decided to stay the night and not take the taxi home. We woke up about 30 mins prior to their party bus picking them up for the track that day, which meant no one had time to take me Rachel's and get back in time to leave.

Epic Fail it was and I was forced to take a taxi back to her house. As they were loading up, I getting in the taxi in my dress from the night before and giving her address to the driver, this was clearly "my walk of shame" LOL. One of which I will never forget! So after 30 mins of riding we precede to head into downtown Indy, I begin to realize he has taking me to the completely wrong address. 45 mins later we are sitting in Race day traffic! I'm still in my dress, I'm hungover, I'm hungry, and my phone is dying! Not to mention Rachel is already at the track. It was a TOTAL Epic Fail. Well, since Rachel was there already, I began trying to coordinate plans with Pat McAfee her man at the time, who lived relatively close to her and was still at home getting ready to head to the track.

Another 45 mins later I make it to her house to change really quick, ALL of which I am still in the same keep in mind I have been in this same taxi since 8AM, it is now going on 10AM, and when I finally pick up Pat. We head to track, running late as ever, as we are entering the on ramp to hit the interstate he realizes he has forgot his ticket. LOL, so YES, our taxi driver put the cab in Reverse and backed up the on ramp and turned around to head back. We grab the ticket and find out from his friends that we now had a police escort into the track. Thank goodness, because we were trailing behind and it was almost 12 before we finally got there. We were dropped off to meet friends at the car wash, and our taxi fare ended up being close to $175. I was floored.

Thanks to Pat he picked up most of the bill because of the rough morning I had. The day ended up being pretty amazing I got a Suite ticket and got to see the opening of the race, which was monumental because they were celebrating the 100th Anniversary Indy 500 Race. The gusts of wind that blow your hair and the sound the cars make as the fly past you is exhilarating. Rachel met up with us at the Suite and I was finally getting some food and a few drinks, then we were headed down the Snake Pit. It was party time with the station. My photos don't do justice for the craziness that the snake pit brings to the race. That day despite all the things that happened to me prior in the morning turned out to be amazing. Rachel and I went on a fastfood binge on the way home from the track, managed to change clothes and end up at a strip club with lap dances and all, before going out that night to hangout with Marco Andretti for his after party at Sensu a premier nightclub in Indy.

It was a great weekend! I learned alot of things to say the least and gained a new love for Indy car. But I was glad to be on the road home, and ready some R&R days at the pool to come....the Doctor and I were slowly fading after the Indy incident so coming back home to that was a bit challenging and I wasn't too sure what to think or how to feel. In the next few months of summer I would soon find out what was for the best.
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