OF the first things first! 007 was a crazy year! It all started on Spring
Break in the redneck riviera Panama City Beach, FL....where once a year loads of horny college kids migrate to from the hills of TN...cut off shorts, and bikini tops...mi
xed with a lot of alcohol, sand, sex and sun...who knew you could meet
best friend there? Right? well I did! I was at the end of my relationship with J.J. on a break
per say...when I was out roaming around the streets of PCB without a care in the world, the sand between my toes, and a nice cold beverage in my hand! This was my last crazy college spring break and I was
gonna enjoy it. So I met some mutual friends at
TIKI BAR (The local club at the Sandpiper) we danced our drunk asses off all night followed by shot after shot of
washington apples, not sure how we made it back to our hotel but we managed...The next day I went to meet up with them at the beach to hang out

drink and catch some sun, later that night I went to meet them at the condo that they were staying at and there she was! Her cute
lil goldie locks and great personality who
wouldn't want to kick it with her

...she was awesome...it wasn't til we got back to TN that we would get closer as friends....and my party life style would go to a further high. Back in the B
oro we were, after a week to remember, little did I know my best guy friend I lost 3 years ago due to his girlfriend would reenter in my life as if we had never let go of our friendship. My reality was coming to a close that my relationship with J.J. was over but I had brand new wonderful friends to hold me down. So it

began, a ritual of nights during the week...Monday night- rest, Tuesday night-
Jim's, Wed night- Stampedes, Thurs night-
Jim's, Fri night -
Ontherocks Nashville, and
SAT night -Nashville,
Sunday Night-
Silverados...I mean it was never ending...I
don't even know how I made it to class....it was so much fun...although work was getting the best of me...in came the open exposure to drugs..and yes I was still at Hooters, X
anax bar

s, L
ortabs, S
omas, A
dderall....you name it was there. I know I was stupid to try these, but I did and learned my lesson. I was just
fortunate to never fall to the addiction that I saw my fellow hooters girls do. When summer hit...class was out, it was time to hit the pool and the lake...I got fired for missing a meeting a Hooters...and
didn't go back to work until the end of the summer....so one

hell of a summer it was. I
didn't have to worry about bills, that was taken care of as long as I partied with everyone...and
that's exactly what we did!!! I'm talking about a constant drinking binge, drinks at the pool or the lake, all day, a nap around 6 and then get up about 9 to get dolled up for a night on the town, after hours, then back to bed at about 5 am and get up the next day and do it all again, I made some bonds that summer, me and my girls would head out to Nashville on a regular basis, its a miracle that I survived. With summer coming to an end...I was sad to see it go, although my life
wouldn't change much, instead of
pool time it was school time...but the party never stopped. The leaves were turning and Fall was just around the corner, the change in the weather brought a change upon my life. Life in my fast lane was starting to slow down.
xoxo TMarie
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