So there I was at work when I got a phone call, it was Shayna... she wanted to head up to Fort Wayne, Indiana for

a see her man at the time open up for Papa I was down for would be so fun, and its not that far we thought...we left and headed north...about 2 hours in to the trip I received a text...could it be? Yes it was! Trae had texted me to see what I was up to and to give me his number. LOL, I told him i was headed to a concert ju

st for the night and would be back tomorrow morning...he thought I was crazy driving all that way and not even staying the night, but hey you only live once! Throughout our conversation we managed to make plans for the following night to meet up in Nashville, since I was headed for a night out on the town with some close friends of mine, it made since to meet up for the first time since dinner the weekend before where we met. The next thing that happened was so funny..Shayna and I thought we were lost, we thought we passed our exit in the mix of trying to get ready on the road...turns out the exit we were looking for was still aways to go when we looked at the map. We then realized that our short little trip we thought was only like 5 hours turned in to 9!!! Yes

9 hours! It was time for some energy drinks...5 hour energy shots to be exact...and for the record they work...LOL I think I downed 2 of them in like 1 the time we got through Indianapolis my heart rate was so high...I felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. We stopped just outside of the city to fill up on gas and was snowing outside and I mean piles of snow lined the streets and sidewalks. Just as our luck was...the gas station only had a single bathroom...LO

L I remember people coming up and knocking to use the restroom that we were occupying as we continued to put on make up and get what an experience that was! LOL Just shortly after we finally arrived to the concert...We went back stage to watch

his performance and upstairs behind the stage from the VIP view room to watch Papa Roach, it was an awesome experience! Next stop t

he tattoo shop, in true VIP rockstar form the locked us in...we were there pretty much til the sun came up! I was so tired from the drive and the night that I passed out on the couch in the parlor as everyone continued to get tats...When we finally left it was breakfast time and then back on the road. Needless to say it was definitely an awesome experience, but getting back to Nashville was a warm welcoming feeling and I was ready to rock out once more for my weekend!
.:XOXO TMarie:.
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