
Back in Nasvhille I was so exhausted from mine and Shayna's lil escapade to Fort Wayne, that I couldn't believe I was even attempting to Party Hard that night...but you know what we had a Limo and I was high on life, so I decided what tha Hell here we go, and I've got all day to chill on I did my usual, got dolled up hit up Chris

and Kim to see what time we were leaving put on some heels, and hit the road, little did I know I wasn't coming home that night. It was so much fun but it felt like the night was ending to soon, we had met up with Trae and his friends, and he didn't want me to leave so I missed my ride back to the Boro, and stayed with him, (NO nothing happened he was actually quite the gentleman) to my surprise...The next morning I woke up in his big tee shirt and basketball shorts...looking a HOTT mess I put my walk of shame clothes back on and we went to breakfast on the way home to my apartment...Once I was dropped off I got a text from Trae that said "Don't think that, just because I didn't make a move on you that I'm not interested, we have plenty of time for that." ohhhh I was hooked from then on...We got together as much as we could, dinners, Agave, etc...everything was going great up until

Dec 22 we all went out that night, and i

t turned into a disaster, J.J. Showed UP! OH I was PISSED!! He had never once stepped foot into LOT7 before! Now if you remember I haven't spoke to him since he comes to me and thinks that we are still together, (What A DUMB ASS) anyways, Trae got pissed and I thought I ruined every potential thing we had in a relationship...But what we actually learned from that experience is how we liked each other, and how our true feelings came out...after not really speaking for a couple days we resolved things on Christmas Night. He took me to Ristorante Volare in the Opryland Hotel for Christmas Dinner it was so pretty, and I was so ne

rvous. After that night I knew exactly what I wanted and I wasn't stopping til I got it! I fought with J.J. for a few days, but in the end he no longer had my heart, and it was finally time to close that chapter of my life, and how more appropriate than the end of the year! 2007 was by far the craziest year I

had in college, I had experienced so many things, from drugs, to all night parties, a crazy spring break, meeting new lifetime friends, rekindling a lost friendship, and meeting the man I want to spend my life with, and I was more than ready for it to end, and I was looking for forward to the night we said goodbye to 2007!
.:XOXO TMarie:.
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