It was the first of December and such a cold day...one of those gray dreary ones that make you wanna curl up in bed and shut the world away. But not for me, not this day...I went in to work just like my regular routine, knowing that when I got off I would have plans to go out, with Kim my old roommate that I had grown closer too since we went our separate ways. I was gonna be just us two, a night for the girls...and then I got a phone call.

"Hey I know that we planned to go out so I didn't want to cancel on you...but Kasey wants me to go to dinner with her boyfriend and his friends, what time do you get off?" she said. I replied " I'm getting off early like 6:30, why?" she then paused "OK well if would want to go I will see if Kasey can have to reservation changed for you to be able to go...I will let you know." I told her, "OK that's fine with me just let me know because you will have to go by my place to bring me clothes since I won't have time to change at home." Then she called me back and said the plan was on, that she would swing by my place for me, then pick me up from work, and we would leave to head straight to Nashville for dinner at Flemings at 7:30. I was in a frantic kinda, because I didn't know any of these people but it was kinda fun

to meet some new faces. We left as soon as possible to try and make the reservation time. On the way to Nashville we started talking about what I should expect at dinner, and then something sparked in her thoughts that since I wasn't dating anyone anymore that I would probably find an interest in one of the guys at dinner tonight...I looked at her and laughed literally, when she described him I was thinking to myself, what is she talking about?!? LOL How in the world would she be able to tell me that I would find him attractive. So I told her OK we will see, but I'm not

interested at all in dating right now... We pull up to the restaurant and park, as we are going up the escalators we reach the top make a turn to the right and see some people standing waiting. I looked over at Kim and immediately smiled and said "Is that Him?" She looked at me and said "yep that's Tracey." So we introduced our selves and then were seated for dinner. It was quite funny how we sat across from each other at the end of the table, Kim, Tracey and I seemed to carry on a non formal conversation for most of dinner, as we finished up, we then went to Morton's for dessert, which was amazing!

It was at Morton's that I realized that Kim was right, we had talked about so many things that I thought was had in common. So we carried the evening on a little further to LOT7 one of our favorite places to go in Nashville, I thought it was weird how I never saw him there before. So we danced and laughed and then it was time for the evening to close, Kim and I left early with a simple goodbye. In case you are wondering NO we didn't exchange numbers, I knew that I would eventually see him again. That following wed, while I was at work I got a text from Kim asking if it was OK for Kasey to give my number to Christian (Trae's best friend) so that he may give to it Trae, and that's how it all started...I didn't have anything to lose, and taking chances on someone completely new to me was just the change I needed.
.:XOXO TMarie:.
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